
Knowing Jesus in the Old Testament? A Fresh Look at Christophanies is unavailable, but you can change that!

The language of ‘christophanies’ is used technically by scholars to refer to appearances of the incarnate Son of God after his resurrection, as narrated in the New Testament Gospels and Acts. At a more popular level, though, the term is increasingly applied to alleged appearances of the pre-incarnate Son in the Old Testament. That Jesus appeared to—and was even recognized by—the likes of Abraham...

chancing upon some snippets that have been previously disregarded or altogether unpublished.9 We ought not to underestimate sensations such as discovery. For those unacquainted with christophanies, there’s the exhilarating thrill of unearthing something previously unknown. Upon recognition that the concept (though not the word) has been in circulation since the first generations of Christians, there’s a dignified sense of antiquity and authenticity in reconnecting with those ancient interpreters.
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